Use Your Voice

CA State Standards: 



Evidence Tracker

End Product: An item of clothing ("protest fashion") and an accompanying artist statement, displayed in a book, fashion show, exhibit, etc. 

Exposure to opinions...

Exploring different ways to make change throughout the unit (inspire, educate, daily live, service, ....)

Protest Fashion exploration...

Project Inspiration


Step 1: Pick a partner from your elective class.

Step 2: With your partner, decide on a belief or opinion to focus your opinion on that you are both passionate about. 

Step 3: Complete a Project Proposal in as much detail as possible. 

Step 4: Before beginning project work, your proposal must be signed off by your Humanities and your Elective teacher. You may need to make changes based on feedback before getting signed off. 

Project Proposal_Protest Fashion

Step 5: Gather materials with your group. 

Step 6: Work time! I organized my classroom into stations with different types of materials. Only students in Engineering were allowed to use the sewing machine on their own, but they were able to ask me for help using the machine and after a mini-lesson were able to use it on their own. 

*Note: Work time took a lot longer than I expected. Next time, I would have students divide responsibility and create a checklist each day for steps they wanted to achieve for accountability. 

*Students in Engineering completed an e-textile portion, sewing LED lights into their outfits. 

Artist Statements

I did not give students a grade for their artwork/outfits; they only received a grade on the Artist Statements. 


Final Project

Published Anthology


Unit 3: Use Your Voice
