Pedagogy in Practice

Student Op-Eds

Solution Summit Op-Eds

As part of our Solution Summit project, students wrote op-eds proposing solutions to problems in our community. Students proposed and self-selected the issues they would write about and each student proposed a different solution to their selected issue. The four op-eds in this document were written by individual students. They represent only four of the nine issues students responded to in Solution Summit, and only four of about 40 op-eds submitted by our class.

Through this project, I taught students to effectively use logos, pathos, and ethos; to acknowledge and respond to counter-claims; to write a compelling hook; and to select and use evidence and examples to support their arguments. These op-eds were submitted to the New York Times Student Editorial Contest.

Dear America

The day before the 2020 election results were announced, I taught a lesson in which my students wrote letters to America expressing their hopes for the future of our country no matter the outcome of the election. Students recorded themselves reading their favorite line of their letter, and we strung these together in a message to the country. By providing an opportunity for students to express their hopes and fears, this mini-project empowered student voice in a time that was one of anxious uncertainty for many.

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop Critique

I based our creative writing project ("The Inspiration Lab") in a workshop model. Every week, students met with their workshop groups to share their work, reflect on their own writing, and receive constructive feedback from peers. Students self-facilitated these workshops, rotating facilitators each week.

This workshop displays student work and feedback from week 3 of the project. At this point in the project, students' writing skills had grown noticeably and their feedback was becoming more specific and helpful.


Pedagogy in Practice

During our Solution Summit project, students wrote op-eds to propose solutions to the issues they had selected. These op-eds were ultimately submitted to the New York Times Youth Editorial Contest. We used the contest rubric to direct our lessons and writing.

In this lesson, students do a deep dive exploration of the "Analysis and Persuasion" section of the rubric. This was the section which students had demonstrated the least understanding of the previous day. Students explored a model op-ed to create definitions and tips for including each element of the "Analysis and Persuasion" section, then co-created an anchor chart which they would reference when writing and revising.

Student Interview

This student interviewed me about who I want to be as a teacher.
